Vivam Agrotech
Vivam Agrotech
Aurangabad - Pune - Mumbai
Aurangabad - Pune - Mumbai
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Solid Waste Management DPR
VIVAM AGROTECH is in the field of solid waste processing such as Composting, Vermicomposting, Mechanical Compost and Biogas since last Ten years and in city Solid Waste Management for last Five years. All these technologies developed by VIVAM AGROTECH are most suitable for city waste management and sustainable development of the city.
VIVAM AGROTECH is into the business of converting waste to energy. We have plants to treat Solid wastes like Municipal Solid Waste, kitchen, canteen, poultry, cow dung, food processing and agricultural wastes. We specialize in Municipal solid waste treatment plants for power generation. We have Biogas plants from 4 Kg to 400 tons waste per day. Vivam is now expanding its business in abroad. Some of these projects are in pipeline like Kenya and South Africa. VIVAM is authorized technology holder of BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTER, MUMBAI for Biogas Generation Plants. Read more...
VIVAM AGROTECH has developed a scientific method for manufacturing vermicompost. The method is named as "Swarup Vermicomposting System". VIVAM has developed scientific method of vermicomposting and it is approved by Agriculture Department of Government of India and Maharashtra. Government of Maharashtra has approved subsidy to our vermicomposting technology for farmers. VIVAM has erected vermicomposting plants in all the districts of Maharshtra and in some places in Karnataka, M.P., U.P., Orissa, Punjab and Nepal. The vermicomposting plants are ranging from 100 gms to 400 ton waste per day capacity. We have installed our projects of vermicomposting plants for Municipal councils, Schools, Colleges, Govt. offices, residential complexes, Industries and for individual farmers. Read more...
VIVAM AGROTECH has developed machine for composting which requires very small place and most suitable for metropolitan cities for waste processing up to 100 kg per day. This machine converts biodegradable waste into compost within few minutes. We also install mechanized composting plant up to 1000 tons waste per day. Mechanical Composting is useful for processing mixed waste at large quantity. This system is specially designed to handle Municipal Solid Waste. In this method, Aerobic Composting is used, which is said to be the cheapest method of processing waste. Segregation of all non-decomposable waste is done and finally, fine compost is produced in the final stage of the precess. Read more...
VIVAM AGROTECH has also worked with all India INSTITUTE OF LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT for preparation of project report of city waste management system. Our company individually has prepared DETAIL PROJECT REPORTS for more than 120 MUNICIPAL COUNCILS and for 3 Municipal Corporations in Maharashtra as per MSW RULES 2000. Read more...
VIVAM AGROTECH has tied up with an internationally reputed agencies for assisting the unit to get the project approved as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. Read more...
Mrs. Nirmala Kandalgaonkar, Proprietress
Founded Vivam Agrotech in 2001. The company works in the field of solid waste management by providing consultancy along with technology solutions such as vermicompost, biogas, mechanical & bacterial composting, and power generation from biodegradable waste. The proprietress' scope of work includes human relation, marketing, personal relations and generating awareness about solid waste management in the social as well as governmental sector. She is having ability to motivate people and delegate work. She combines strategic thinking with strong execution skills. Actively associated with various industrial and academic associations. Being an active social worker since young age, its been her policy to give jobs to social help groups (SHGs), whenever possible and well suited, in Vivam Agrotech's scope of work. The social activities of the company are also looked over along with the operations of an NGO chaired by her.
Education: Post Graduate Diploma in Environment Science, 2001-2002. Bachelor of Science, 1971-1974
Awards: Mrs. Nirmala's work has been appreciated by many social institutes as well as corporates by giving her various awards. Most prestigious among them is "TATA TiE STREE SHAKTI Award as National Woman Entrepreneur 2009".
Mr. Girish Kandalgaonkar, CEO
Responsible for day to day working of the company as well as financial, strategic, business deve lopment decisions. Raising project finance, winning government as well as private tenders for the company comes under the scope of job. Overviews company's 15 electricity generating biogas plants as well as various vermicomposting plants.
Expertise: Effective & Accountable in High Profile Executive roles: Overcome complex business challenges of this entrepreneurial venture and make high stake decisions using experience backed judgment and irreproachable integrity. Respected as proponent of empowerment and accountability. Heavy transaction background including start-up financing, developing and sale of company.
Strong Orientations in Operational and Finance: Participate in high-level operational initiatives, including infrastructure design, process re-engineering, project appraisal, and reorganization. Financial expertise is utilized while reducing project cost, working under thin profit margins & completing projects in time to save cost.
Education: Post Graduate Diploma in Environment Science, B.E. (Mechanical)
Experience: Technical Director, Bemco Sleepers Pvt. Ltd. - Served as Technical Director for this manufacturer of 'Prestressed Concrete Sleepers', who had Indian Railways as the client. Erected 2 similar factories for the company which manufactures Prestress Concrete Products.
Technical Director, Vedant Hotels Ltd. - Looked after technical requirements and was in charge of maintenance department of this 5 star hotel. Was actively involved in the procedure of IPO of the company at Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
Mr. Nilesh Kandalgaonkar, COO
Resourceful, productive COO with significant experience in designing, installation and commissioning Biogas and Vermicompost projects. Documented record of increasing profit margins while maintaining high quality projects completed on time and budget constraints. Recognized for creativity, determination and ability to work independently without direction. Dependable team player able to communicate and work well with all personnel from unskilled labour to tradesmen to professionals.
Expertise: Effective & Accountable Project Coordination & Operations: Responsible in contract negotiation, tender form preparation, vendor / supplier negotiation, client relations, overall project coordination. Able to operate different sites at a time which are located at various places in a state of the country. Cost control is a special expertise. Designed, installed and commissioned 15 electricity generating biogas plants, hundreds of small biogas plants and vermicomposting plants.
Education: Masters of Electronics Engineering.
Experience: Project Coordinator: Managed daily construction and manufacturing operations for start-up divisions including sales, purchasing, project management, estimating, accounting, human resource, safety, scheduling and product design. Posses creative problem solving skills evidenced in record of maintaining project schedules and budgets by outsourcing affordable fabrication, civil construction etc.
Ms. Neha Kandalgaonkar, PRO
Marketing Executive & PRO: Entrepreneurial executive with more than 3 years of experience managing sales, marketing, operations, personnel and merchandising Biogas and Vermicompost Plant manufacturing. Motivational management style while building and retaining highly motivated sales team, distributor network and manufacturers representatives. Successful in identifying opportunities for accelerate growth.
Experience: Effective & Accountable Marketing Person & PRO: Handles challenging task of promoting company's products in government sector. Marketing concept product as well as expanding related product range has been expertise.
Strong Orientation in Public Relations: Keeping good relations with industry eminent persons as well as customers is a responsibility handled very well. As a result of this, repetitive orders has prominent share of the order book of the company.
Education: Masters of Commerce.
Experience: Acquisition Manager, Deutsche Bank: 1.5 years of professionally satisfying & glorious career. Star performance of the branch for couple of times having one of the best and quality client bases from the branch.